Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25, 2020

5 Fantastic and interesting facts about LIZARDS . Why do LIZARDS shed their tails ? How do LIZARDS regenerate their tail ? Are LIZARDS found in homes poisonous ? And what role do LIZARDS play in our environment ?

Today we will know 5 Fantastic and interesting facts about lizards .  And we will also tell you WHY DO LIZARDS SHED THEIR TAILS , are lizards living in our houses poisonous ?

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(1). Spiritual Meaning Of Lizard :- 

                                                   The spiritual meaning of lizard is - '" to peek inside . The time has come to recognize your inner potential . And it is time to move forward and fulfill your dreams by eliminating the inner ego . '"

(2). Total Species Of Lizards :-

                                             So far , more than 5500 species of lizards are known in the world .  Very few of these species are poisonous , but their poison is also not very deadly for humans , in very rare cases , humans are killed by their bite , but Komodo dragons are the only lizards that can kill humans .

(3).Regeneration :-

                               We all know that lizards can  shed their tails at their will and after 60 to 65 days their tail is regenerated .  But some lizards may shed their tails but cannot grow it back .  

                               Some lizards cannot shed their tails but can regenerate their limbs , such as - a salamander or a Newt .

(4). Habitat of Lizards :-

                        Lizards are found everywhere on Earth except Antarctica because Antarctica is the coldest continent . 

                        Lizards also need the heat of the sun like snakes so that they can move at a high speed .  

                        Lizards are also found in desert areas and green grasslands .  "'Lizards living in desert areas do not require much water as they supply their bodies water from their prey."'

(5). Lizard King :- 

  •                                 65 million years ago , a cataclysm destroyed the entire species of ruler reptiles (dinosaurs) of that time , but one species survived and was called the Lizard King  - "" monitor lizard "" . 
  •                                 They are the main predators of the lizard species .  It is the most intelligent member of the Lizard family .  
  •                                 60 species of monitor lizard are found in the world .  It ranges from a rat to a mammal . It mainly hunts insects and birds eggs etc .  
  •                                  Komodo dragons can also hunt a water buffalo .  
  •                                 The Australian Zoo's animal caretaker explains that - 'when you look at a monitor lizard it looks back at you . ' This statement demonstrates the intelligence of monitor lizard .

[B]. Why Do Lizards Shed Their Tails :-

                                        Have you ever wondered why Lizards sheds its tail when we scares the lizard or drives it away ?  So , let me tell you today why lizards do this :- "" Whenever a lizard feels any danger , like all creatures she also tries to protect herself and tries to escape from there but sometimes the hunter chase it , the lizards shed their tails in order to divert attention from themselves and we all know that this shaded tail keeps moving for some time so that the attention of the hunter moves from that lizard to the shaded tail .  Confusing them , the lizards run away from there and save their lives .""

                            This lizard's tail regenerates in 60 days , but the tail of some lizard never regenerates . 

Now the next question arises in our mind that how do lizards do this ?

The lizard's tail has a fractured line called the fracture plane . Whenever the lizard feels threatened , it pulls the muscles of the plane towards its head so that its tail splits and the whole process is called Autotomy is .

[C]. How do lizards regenerate their tails ?

So now we know why the lizard shed their tails .  But how does the tail regenerate ?

It is caused by Mitosis .

So now the question arises what is mitosis?

Mitosis is a process in which the father cells divide and form daughter cells, and this process is repeated by the body to repair injuries and growth of the body .

                       Cells in the human body divide regularly and new cells are formed which make our body grow and repair injuries in the body .  Lizards also repair their body injuries through Mitosis and regenerate their tails only through Mitosis .


[D]. Are lizards found in our home poisonous ? [India]

  • All species of lizards found in Indian homes are non-venomous .  But some people consider them poisonous and kill them . Which is the result of illiteracy .
  •            These lizards live in dusty places, due to which if it falls into the drinking water , drinking that water can worsen the health .
  •            If this lizard falls into the food while cooking , it can cause food poisoning, but the danger can be avoided by going to the doctor with immediate effect .

[E]. Role of lizards in our eco - system :-

  • The lizard plays a very important role in our environment , it makes our houses free of pests by eating mosquitoes , insects , etc . Which can prevent us from harmful diseases like : - Malaria, Dengue etc .
  • Today , all of us are using chemicals to kill mosquitoes that grow in and around the house , which are also harmful to our health .  There is a solution to all the problems in nature . If there is a pest in nature then there are lizards to kill them .  

Therefore , we should respect nature and make good use of the resources available to us .


Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16, 2020

Top 10 facts about SNAKES IN 2020 . TOP 10 unique truth about SNAKES . TRUTH OF ISLAND OF SNAKES . WHY SHOULD WE NOT CUT SNAKES HEAD ?

The snake is considered the most poisonous animal living on earth and in water.  But do you know these 10 amazing and awesome facts about snakes?
1. Island of snakes: -
                                                       This island is located in "Brazil" .  The real name of this island is "Ilaha Da Qaimada".  
                                                       This island is called snake island because 1-9 snakes can be seen here in every square meter and all these snakes are highly poisonous.  The poison of 1-2 drops of these snakes is enough to kill 100 - 150 men.         
              The most poisonous snake found on this island is the ""Golden Pit Viper"", also known as the '' Golden Lanshead Viper'' .   This species of this snake is most commonly found here.  
                       So friends, do you want to spend the holidays there and whom would you like to take with you, please comment.  But the Brazilian government has prohibited ordinary people from going there.  Because many people have died on this island.

2. Total species of snakes :-
                                                    A total of 3000 species of snakes are known on Earth, out of which only 750 species are poisonous.  All other snake species are non-toxic.
3Flying snake species :-
                                            There are 5 species of FLYING SNAKE on the earth .  Snakes of these species can fly up to 100 - 330 feet.  The following species of snakes are -
        Common name : Golden Tree snake 
        Common name : Paradise Tree Snake or Paradise
        Common name : Twin Barred Tree Snake or Baanded Flying Snake
         Common name : Mollucan Flying Snake
        Common name : Indian Flying Snake or Sri Lankan Flying Snake.

4. King cobras are the most intelligent snakes and they are the longest among poisonous snakes.
(5).  The jaws of snakes are not interlinked.  That is why they easily swallow an animal larger than its size.  Due to which many times these snakes explode.

(6).  Snakes can vomit at any time they wish.  They do this when they feel a danger so that they can save themselves and run away.

(7).  Snakes have more than 200 teeth in their jaws that help them swallow their prey.

(8).  Anaconda is a species of snakes that produce mating balls in the mating season which consists of 1 female and 12 males.  They stay in this state for a month.

(9).  Even if a snake bites itself by mistake, it can be killed.

(10).  If a snake is beheaded, it remains alive.  And even if a person accidentally goes near it at this stage, it bites it and leaves all the poison in the person's body, which worsens the person's condition and can even kill that person.